Sultan's Armed Forces Museum

This Museum is located at the Heart of Muscat , Bait Al Falaj area, Darsait, earlier it was a Fort Al Falaj – which was built in 1845 in the reign of Sayyid Said bin Sultan, the 4th grandfather of His Majesty , and it remained the military head quarters for the armed forces from 1918 to 1978.
This Museum was inaugurated on 11th December 1988 by his His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

This Museum Contains weapons, Uniforms , instruments, military memorabilia,different defence systems that shows the developments of the armed forces of Oman history.

On it's ground floor,displays about the Oman Before and after of Islam. How the Islam spreads in Oman , 

history about the Portuguese how they came to Oman in 1507 and happenings during that period . 
Era of Al Ya'aribah , it was started from 1624 , when Imam Nasir Bin Musrshid united Oman and fought with Portuguese and in 1649 after his death,  Imam Sultan bin saif  expelled Portuguese  from Oman and after his death in 1718 the unity of Oman came to an end and resulted in civil war.

and Al-Busaidis period , during this period Persians were expelled from Oman and the later on Sayyid Said Bin Sultan founded Omani Empire and ruled Oman from 1807 to 1856.

Sultan’s Armed forces started in 1907 . Units and Special forces were stationed at Bait Al Falaj.

The first Floor  is  about Reign of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said , development of the armed forces , Royal Army , Royal Air force and Royal Navy of Oman  and Formation of Royal Guard of Oman , their Uniforms.

Timing: Saturday to  Thursday: 08:00-13:30.
Entrance fee:  RO 1 (adults), 500 Baisas (children).
Telephone: 24312655
Location of Sultan's Ahmed Forces Museum :

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